I took these photos at a field trip to the Anza Borrego Desert State Park, organised by the San Diego Chapter of the California Native Plant Society. Image annotation is based on my memory and the checklist which was provided. Any errors are entirely my own.
Random Notes
The chuparosa (Justicia californica) seems to like flowering in January, many of the plants had red flowers, but were otherwise rather bare, i.e. they had no leaves.
The ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens) had spines on its stems but no leaves. Their bark is green and photosynthetically active, though. The plant can generate enough assimilates from photosynthesis in the bark to flower (and to successfully produce fruit subsequently, I presume).
Barrel cactuses (Ferocactus cylindraceus) store water inside their succulent stems (typical of cactuses), and have rather long and strong spines to protect themselves from herbivores. Nonetheless, bighorn sheep have been observed to feed on barrel cactuses after knocking them over. This seems an interesting re-use of behaviours that have originally evolved for fighting.
Yuccas (Yucca schidigera) have very pointy leaves. They are in fact so pointy they can be used as needles, and the tips are attached to fibres in the leaf which can be used as threads.
Justicia californica (chuparosa)
Cylindropuntia bigelovii (teddy-bear cholla)
Cylindropuntia bigelovii (teddy-bear cholla), with seed heads
Cylindropuntia bigelovii (teddy-bear cholla), seed heads
Larrea tridentata (creosote bush), branch with seeds
Echinocereus engelmannii (hedgehog cactus), in front of Larrea tridentata (creosote bush)
Cylindropuntia ganderi (Gander's cholla), (not sure)
Cylindropuntia ganderi (Gander's cholla)
Ferocactus cylindraceus (California barrel cactus)
Mammillaria tetrancistra (fish-hook cactus)
Mammillaria tetrancistra (fish-hook cactus), younger plant
Mammillaria tetrancistra (fish-hook cactus), "baby" plant
Yucca schidigera (Mohave yucca)
Fouquieria splendens (ocotillo)
Fouquieria splendens (ocotillo), green stems are photosynthetically active
Fouquieria splendens (ocotillo), flowers on tips, left part of image
Prunus fremontii (desert apricot)
Opuntia basilaris (beavertail cactus) with Larrea tridentata (creosote bush) in background
Encelia farinosa (brittlebush)
Encelia farinosa (brittlebush)
something from the Fabaceae family (?)
something from the Fabaceae family (?)
Ephedra aspera (Mormon tea)
fern and Selaginella ("overexposed" for better view of fern)
Salvia apiana (white sage)
another plant of the Fabaceae family (?)
an "arrangement with Mormon tea and a creosote bush next to a rock
Phoradendron californicum (desert mistletoe)
Phoradendron californicum (desert mistletoe)
a dry annual plant with two storey panicles
Salvia apiana (white sage) (?)
something from the Chamaesyce, I guess
something from the Chamaesyce, I guess
? -- plant was pointed out but I don't know what it is
? -- plant was pointed out but I don't know what it is
Agave deserti (desert agave)